Di_Verse at School

Di_Verse at School

Di_Versi a Scuola is the visual poetry and ceramics workshop led by artists Alfredo Gioventù and Daniela Mangini.
Each year, the educational programmes involve several classes from the primary schools of the Istituto Comprensivo Giusti primary school on Elba Island.

The aim for boys and girls is to develop an affective relationship towards their territory and its natural emergencies through manual work, personal inventiveness and group work.




Book Project

Book Project

The foundation's book project is aimed at both

Project work

Project work

Project works are educational activities carried

Di_Verse at School

Di_Verse at School

Di_Versi a Scuola is the visual poetry and

Foresiana Municipal Library

Foresiana Municipal Library

On 12 October 2022 the agreement with the