Diversamente Sani is an association, which is the Elban reference point for cancer patients and their families, to which they can turn for information, advice or simple sharing.
It is formed by a group of people united by the disease who have woven together a canvas of friendship to support each other on this long journey. Cancer is a highly traumatic experience, but Diversamente Sani wants to turn it into an opportunity for change, providing the experience of the people who form it to improve the rehabilitation pathway of patients and their families.
The Association carries out a series of projects with the aim to enrich the path of rebirth of each patient, living with him every stage of the illness, until recovery.
During 2022, the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation intervened to support the Association, contributing to the construction of its headquarters.
Video of the Elba Press TV service
During 2023, the Foundation intervened by purchasing the Association's calendars and distributing them entirely on the occasion of Christmas 2023. New activities are being planned for 2024
Video collaboration Diversamente Sani
During 2024 and in particular on the occasion of the month of
prevention of skin cancer, the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation,
supported Diversamente Sani by donating 20 dermatological visits
specialists to members.
In addition, Acqua dell'Elba invited its customers to help directly
the Association with a donation and organised with Fondazione
Humanitas per la Ricerca a webinar entitled Prevention of skin
tumours to report on the state of the art of research, with
practical advice on how to use sunscreen and how to choose the most
suitable one for one's skin phototype.